Religious Education

Religious Education

Saint Stephen First Martyr Catholic Church (SSFMCC) Religious Education is rooted in Sacred Scriptures and the Traditions of the Catholic Church. All our programs are centered on the Trinity and the True Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. All faith formation programs are focused on the four pillars of the Catholic Faith: Creed, Liturgy and Sacraments, Commandments and Prayer.

Religious Education Classes Grades 1-8:

SSFMCC Faith Formation program uses the six tasks of catechesis:  
1. Promoting Knowledge of the Faith
2. Promoting Knowledge of the Meaning of the Liturgy and the Sacraments
3. Promoting Moral Formation in Jesus Christ
4. Teaching the Christian How to Pray with Christ
5. Preparing the Christian to Live in Community and to Participate Actively in the Life and Mission of the Church
6. Promoting a Missionary Spirit that Prepares the Faithful to be Present as Christians in Society

Sacrament Preparation for 1st Communion & 1st Penance (2nd Grade or higher):

First Communion students learn that Jesus Christ is really and truly present in the Eucharist as Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity. The children learn traditional prayers of the Church, along with personal prayer intentions and Scripture stories reflecting on the Gospels.
In preparation for Reconciliation the children are coached in an age-appropriate examination of conscience. An examination of conscience is a prayerful reflection on our actions in light of our faith in order to identify sins, patterns of sin, or ways that we are falling short of who God is calling us to be. 
Prerequisites for First Communion have received the sacraments of Baptism and Reconciliation.

Confirmation Preparation is a 2-year program (7th & 8th Grades):

Confirmation is one of the Sacraments of Initiation. Confirmation preparation at SSFMCC is a 2-year process that involves learning, sharing, serving, fellowship, spiritual growth and joy! Each student is given the opportunity to learn more about the Catholic faith and what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ.
Prerequisites for Confirmation have received the sacraments of Baptism and Eucharist.
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